School Uniform


Uniform is worn at Wales Primary School to develop pride in being a member of the Wales Primary School community. Our uniform consists of:

  • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Navy blue, grey or black trousers or skirt
  • White polo shirt, white or blue shirt
  • In warmer weather: shorts and blue gingham dresses can be worn.

Clothing for PE
On PE days, children are required to come to school in appropriate PE clothing. All children need the following items:

White t-shirt
Navy blue or black shorts

Plimsolls or trainers
Track suit/jogging bottoms and a warm top to wear in colder weather

Where to buy School uniform

We don’t insist on t-shirts and jumpers with the school logo on as we are aware of the cost for parents. However, sweatshirts and cardigans with the school logo on can be purchased from School Trends ( or Pinders Schoolwear shop in Crystal Peaks or at their Aston factory shop.

Uniform without the logo on can also be bought form most major stores at competitive prices.

Second hand uniform is sent to the local uniform exchange for parents to access and we make second hand uniform available to parents at our annual summer fair.

Long hair must be tied up

Our children have the opportunity to swim in blocks of the school year in our school pool. They will need to bring appropriate swimming kit on swimming days: swimming trunks or swim shorts with a close fitting liner (not cut off shorts or Bermudas) or a one-piece swimsuit.
Children with long hair should be able to tie their hair up and may wish to wear a swimming cap
Children are permitted to wear well fitting goggles

Jewellery is not allowed in school with the exception of a watch. This watch must not be a smartwatch but a fitbit watch is allowed. If your child has pierced ears, small studs are permitted; however, these must either be removed by the child for PE or their ears taped up.

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