Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Pemberton

Year 3 Teacher

Welcome to year 3

Summer 2

Welcome back after the half term holidays I do hope you are all well rested and ready for the final half term in year 3!

This half term our theme is called 'Scream Machine' and we will be doing lots of learning linked to this including costings, park descriptions, making our very own rides in DT and so on. For more information please read the knowledge organiser attached. Knowledge organiser - Scream Machine.pdf

I have also attached the spellings agaian to continue working through. For maths can you please priorities practicing the following times tables 2,5,10.3,4,6 and 8. 

Y3 spelling lists(1).pdf

PE days will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Thank you for your continued support

Kind regards

Mrs Pemberton, Mrs Elian and Mrs Bird




Summer 1

Welcome back after the lovely Easter holiday, we hope you have all had a fun filled and relaxing couple of weeks off school. 

This half term we are learning all about Great Britain! We will be learning about the countries within our country, cities, famous landmarks, seaside resorts and so on. Please find our knowledge organiser attached to find out more. Knowledge organiser - New newsletter GGB.pdf

I have attached the maths and spelling homework for the children to continue practicing at home.

Y3 spelling lists.pdf

Maths Homework Sheet (Summer 1).pdf

PE will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Mrs Pemberton, Mrs Elian and Mrs Bird



Spring 2

Welcome back after the half term holiday, we hope you have all had a restful break. 

This half term we are learning all about the ancient Egyptians and the children are loving finding out all about the fascinating facts so far. Find out more on our knowledge organiser Ancient Egypt Knowledge organiser

I have attached all of the maths and spellings again which the children will continue to work on each week in class and for homework. 

Y3 spelling lists

Maths Homework Sheet

PE will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Pemberton, Mrs Elian and Mrs Bird


Spring 1

Welcome back after the Christmas holiday, we hope you've had a wonderful time. 

This half term our theme is all about the Stone Age and we are really looking forward to our trip to Creswell Crags next Wedneday the 17th January! 

We will also be holding a 'parent assembly' for parents and carers to come into the classroom to see what we have been learning at the end of the half term on Friday 9th February at 9am.  

Please find more information about our theme for this half term in our knowledge organsier attached. Attached is also the spelling and maths homework for this half term.

/uploads/504/files/Survival of the Stone Age - Knowledge organiser.docx.pdf

/uploads/504/files/Maths Homework Sheet (Spring 1).docx.pdf

/uploads/504/files/Y3 spelling lists(1).pdf

PE will now be on Tuesdays and Thursdays so children will need to come into school in their PE kits on both days. There will no longer be any swimming. 

Thank you for your continued support and we wish you a happy new year for 2024! 

Mrs Pemberton, Mrs Elian and Mrs Bird



It's nearly Christmas! 

12 Days of Christmas in year 3 is as follows:

Y3 12 days of Christmas 2023.pptx


Autumn 2

Welcome back after the October half term holiday. We hope you all enjoyed the break and are feeling refreshed.

This half term our theme in class is all about 'Healthy Me' as the children learn about the importance of a healthy body and mind.

Please find more information on our knowledge organiser attached /uploads/504/files/Healthy Me - Knowledge organiser.pdf

I have also included this half terms spelling lists for autumn 2 /uploads/504/files/Y3 spelling lists(1).pdf

We are continuing to swim on a Tuesday morning and PE will still be on a Thursday.

Thank you for your support so far this year.

Mrs Pemberton, Mrs Elian and Mrs Bird. 



Autumn 1

We hope you have had a great summer, are well rested and ready for lots of learning!

Our first topic this year is called Natural Disasters. We will be learning all about our extreme earth and what it can be capeable of. 

We will be writing news reports, dilemma stories, making leaflets and 3D villages! Read our knowledge organiser to find out more.

/uploads/504/files/Aut 1 Knowledge organiser - Natural Disasters(1).pdf

Also attached is our Y3 spellings. These will be sent out weekly as homework tasks. They will go out on a Friday and are due in the following Friday.

Y3 spelling lists

We will be starting swimming in year 3 from Tuesday 12th September so please remember to bring your swimming kits as well as coming in PE kits on Thursdays.

We will be sending home the children's superstar reading logs if you could please write in them 3 times per week your child will recieve a reading prize each half term.

If you need to contact me my email address is:

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Pemerton, Mrs Elian and Mrs Bird. 








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