Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Emerton

Year 2 Teacher


Year 2 2024-2025

Miss Emerton

Year 2 Teacher


Welcome to Year Two.

On this page, information related to your child’s learning, upcoming events and special achievements will be posted.

If you have any questions or worries, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at: and I will get back to you ASAP within the working hours.

Thankyou in advance for your support.

Miss Emerton.



Swimming day is Tuesdays.

PE day is Wednesdays. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct P.E. kit: Black/navy shorts/jogging bottoms, white T-shirt, black/navy sweatshirt or hoodie. 

Please make sure your child has a water bottle filled with fresh water everyday and appropriate footwear and coats, weather dependent.



Your child will be bringing home a phonics based reading book that is matched to their phonics ability, plus a reading log. There needs to be at least three instances of reading at home recorded in the log, which needs to be signed by an adult. This is a vital aspect of your child’s learning and will support their writing and spelling skills. Each week your child will move their ‘Reading Rocket’ around the planet in a race to reach the finish line by the end of the half term. Children who successfully reach the finish line within this time will receive a reward.

It is very important that they practice reading their school book as much as possible. Sounding out and blending the phonemes in words and spotting those non-decodable words (tricky words) will develop their fluency and therefore open up a wider range of books that they can enjoy by themselves.

Your child will be listened to read and assessed once a week, in which their book may be changed, if appropriate to do so. Teachers may not change a book if they are not reading their current book fluently. Please continue to read to your child, it is important that children hear a range of texts, to develop their love and curiosity for reading. Can I please ask that reading logs and books are returned to school on a Monday to ensure that we can change books.


Weekly Spelling List

Your child will be given 10 spellings to practice at home each week. These spellings will include a new spelling rule and a range of Year 2 Common Exception Words. These will be taught and practised in school time, however it is encouraged that these are also covered at home. Your child will be tested on these words every Friday. Please see Spelling Lists in 'Files to Download.'


Word of the Week

Each week in class there will be a chosen ‘word of the week’. This word will discussed in class and used within conversations. Please support your child to find out the word meaning and write a definition of this word in their reading record books. There is a specific page for ‘word of the week’, this is located towards the back of the reading record book.


Online Games

Your child will have a Numbots login to practice number skills such as addition and subtraction facts, counting and place Value. Phonics Play is also an interactive game where the children can access their phonics phase games and practice the segmenting and blending of phonemes.


Themed Learning

Autumn 1 – Under the Sea

Please see the Knowledge Organiser in ‘Files to Download’ for subject details.


Autumn 2 - The Great Fire of London

Please see the Knowledge Organiser in ‘Files to Download’ for subject details.


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Emerton, Mrs Brumby, Mrs Hinde & Mrs Stephenson.

Files to Download

Year 2: News items

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Year 2: Gallery items

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Year 2: Calendar items

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