
Aims and Expectations

Teaching and learning at Wales Primary School is at the heart of everything we do. The aim is for all staff and pupils to aspire to be the best they can be.


Our School Vision for Learning

The vision for our school is to provide our children with the best possible start in life through the provision of a vibrant, engaging and relevant curriculum where children are challenged and inspired to excel. We strive to develop a community of life-long learners who are ready to succeed in the 21st Century.

Set your expectations high, the higher the better. Expect the most fantastic things to happen not in the future but right now!  - Robert John Meehan


Our Curriculum Drivers

At Wales Primary School we embed our curriculum drivers throughout all of our teaching and learning. 

These drivers form the basis of everything we do and how we behave in and around school, from Foundation Stage to Year 6, in all aspects of school life.

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The National Curriculum

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